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We are flexible when it comes to the type of payment you would like to use

Credit Cards, e-Wallets, Bank Transfer, Cash and Prepaid, Mobile and Phone You Choose!
QHoster is able to accept a wide variety of payment methods for hosting products and domain name registrations. Acceptable payment options are listed below.

* Minimum sign up periods for cPanel Web Hosting plans: Mini - 3mo., Pro - 1mo., Biz - 1mo., cPanel Reseller Hosting, Linux VPS, Windows VPS, Managed cPanel VPS and Dedicated Servers - 1mo. secret link
Accepted payments: Credit/Debit Card, Paypal, Payza, Skrill, WebMoney, CashU, Ukash, paysafecard, Bitcoin, Perfect Money, SolidTrust Pay, OKPay, Western Union/MoneyGram, Wire Transfer and more.