
 421 Unexpected failure

If when sending e-mail from your web hosting, and receive the following error message: 421,...

 A copy of the email logs

For shared and reseller hosting plans: We can provide you the e-mail logs for a domain. You...

 Checking email trough browser (webmail)

Each web hosting account has three different mail clients – Horde, SquirrelMail and RoundCube....

 Email auto responder and POP3 email account at the same time

A lot of web hosting customers are asking can they have an email auto responder setup and also...

 Email box storage quota limit

The quota of your email boxes can be setup via your web hosting control panel - cPanel. Each...

 Email spam folder

If you have configured your cPanel hosting account to use “Spam Box” option for SpamAssassin,...

 Enable Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and DomainKeys in cPanel hosting account

Everybody needs to fight against SPAM nowadays. One of the very common tools used for this is...

 How many email accounts do I have with my web hosting

The number of mailboxes that you can have depends on which web hosting plan you have. For...

 How to activate and deactivate webmail clients on cPanel VPS or dedicated server

If you are using a cPanel based VPS hosting or dedicated server you can activate or deactivate...

 How to check and send email

E-mail servers are configured to match your domain for an additional convenience. This applies to...

 How to create an email account

Create an e-mail account is done very simple with just few mouse clicks.Steps:1. Enter in the web...

 How to edit or remove an existing auto responder in cPanel

Controlling email autoresponders is very easy with cPanel. Just login to your web hosting control...

 How to repair cPanel invalid maildir size error

If you experience this error message "Invalid Maildirsize File" when attempting to try and change...

 SMTP, POP3 and IMAP email settings and ports

QHoster email services support the following email standards SMTP, POP3, IMAP, and WebMail. Here...

 SpamAssassin and automatically delete emails with cPanel hosting

With cPanel server web hosting plans and spamassassin enabled you have an option to automatically...

 Too many SMTP connections

There is a limit of competing connections from any IP address. If you see this error message,...

 What is an email auto responder

Email auto responder is an option of cPanel web hosting servers to generates an automated email...

 What is the path to sendmail

Path to sendmail on every web hosting server is: /usr/sbin/sendmail  

 Why can not I send email messages

Causes for problems when sending e-mail messages are mainly two: The first problem is related...